Digitisation of land records of the tenants showing the ownership of land has been done, which is available in the Bhulekh website ( ). Encumbrance Certificates and Certified Copies of registered documents are issued online. Registered documents are delivered to citizens on the same day. Under DILRMP, Odisha has computerised all registration offices (SRO). Odisha is pioneer in implementing Land Record Modernisation Programme, which was acknowledged from the testimonial that Odisha was adjudged as the second best performing state in terms of digitising land records, in the National Land Records Services Index 2020 (N-LRSI) survey conducted by the National Council of Applied Economic Research. Under this programme, the government aims to achieve complete digitisation of all the land records. “Bhulekh” is part of the Government of Odisha’s Land Records Modernisation initiative.
When did you start digitising land records work and in how many years it took to complete the entire process?